Saturday, August 28, 2010


Ok, I have to admit it. I have baby fever. Everyone around me is getting prego or just gave birth. I wan't another one...but it just doesn't fit into our "plan" right now. Which is to have me at least half way done with school, if not done, and have already gone to Italy. Which is planned for June 2012. The reason the Italy trip is so important is because we never got a honeymoon and I was prego when we went to Mexico in 2008, so all I got to really do was have virgin margaritas and read ALOT of books.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

My worst nightmare

I always thought it was strange when women recieved appliances as "gifts". Because you know a women, mainly mothers really need things to help make their lives easier. I rather get a pretty dress, jewelry, a massage, maybe?
But here I am, wanting a bread machine...Who have I become??????
I really want it because of the money it will save. An average bread machine is roughly $50. A loaf of bread (a good loaf without high fructose corn syrup and preservatives) is about $4.00. So do the math.
So if you want to get me something, please get me a bread machine....or a gift card to Anthropologie. You know, so I have something cute to bake bread in :)

Sunday, August 22, 2010

My new dress

Hopefully it fits my lard ass, I've never been one to order off line but the other option was driving an hour with Olivia to thanks.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Susie Homemaker

You may not know this about me but I really love to cook. More importantly I love nutrition. For months now I have been doing OAMC or for all you newbs, Once a month cooking. I make healthy nutritious meals for my family and I stick them in the freezer and then come day to eat them thaw and microwave or just pop it in the oven while still frozen.  I do this because eating out is expensive and bad for you, and almost everything has artificial preservatives and fillers. For instance: canned black beans usually have added salt and the cans leak harmful chemicals into the food.
This week I kept my OMAC short and simple because we just moved and I am busy unpacking and chasing around a toddler.
My List of yummies:
Black beans- dry black beans soaked in water over night. After soaking overnight rinse and add about 6 cups of clean water to beans. Simmer for 2 hours or until tender. Rise with cool water and let stand for about 20 minutes. Shovel into ziploc bags (size is your preferance) and freeze. Can be kept up to 3 months.
Wild Rice- Any packaged Wild Rice(Costco has a good brand). Follow per instructions. Let cool and then put in ziploc bags and freeze.
Brown Rice- see above instructions for wild rice.
Blueberry cinammion pankcakes- I used a mix for this because my husband bought some a while back and I wanted to get rid of it. So, mix and add blueberries and cinnamon, as much or little as you like. Cook as usual, let cool(must do or they will stick together) and ziploc bag those suckers and freeze.
Homemade Uncrustables: Make your favorite PB&J and freeze. Of course I use natural peanut butter and homemade jam. PB and honey is great also. Also try to shoot for whole wheat or grain bread like franz which has no high fructose corn syrup.

That sums up my OAMC :)

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Cell Phones

Washington recently just passed a law making it illegal to use cell phone while driving. Altthough I think this is for the best since some people are not very good at multitasking. Thankfully, I am not one of those people. I can do loads of shit at one time, sometimes too much. Now my problem with this law is I think it should be illegal to drive with toddlers (yes this is a joke) , but seriously driving with a almost 2 year old is much more distracting than driving with a cell phone ever was. Olivia is going through her "terrible twos" even though she is a few months shy of even being two. The yelling, the I wanna eat, juice, milk, minnie mouse, the outs. It's gonna drive me batcrap! I don't go far with her unless I schedule her nap time during the drive. So until this phase is over, guess Target will be my vacation spot.

P.S. There should be a special place in hell for people who text while driving..

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

no fat chicks

I'm currently riding the weight gain roller coaster, up and down, I swear I should just throw up... no.
Anyways I lost 20lbs a while back, gained back 10. Now it's time to lose another 20 and Keep it OFF. We just moved so I am going to start walking around our neighbor hood in between unpacking. Wish me luck!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Friday, August 13, 2010


I stole this from Equal aka Sweetwater :) not that any reads this dang thing but it seemed fun....

1. When do you feel happiest // Being with my family, being close to my family.Extended included.

2. How do you take care of yourself // I shower ? really I don't have time for myself a lot. I got a pedicure for the first time in a year last week. Other than that I usually just veg out or sleep.

3. Are you internally (by yourself) or externally (by others) motivated // Def, internally. I over analyze (it's also called ocd) everything and am always trying to find ways to make myself "better", no matter what it is.

4. What do you do for fun // fun? what is that? I don't understand. I use to go to concerts and shows and just hang out with friends. Every once in a blue moon I get a girls night. Other than that my hubby and I DVR shows and that is our "date night"

5. What intimidates you // the unknown, life in general. I am hoping it all works itself out.

6. What is something you're proud of // being where I am from where I came from. My mom was a drug addict, I was a teen mom. I'd been through pretty much every horrible thing that could happen to a kid. I managed to find my path, although sometimes rocky.

7. Finish this sentence. I never _____________ //  like wearing socks

8. Favorite vacation spot // I like going back to California to see my friends and family, but one day I WILL visit New Zealand.

9. Today is a(n) (rate from 1 - 10) 7, we are super busy packing and moving. Today was hot and we have no a/c and a fan broke.

10. Finish this sentence. If you knew me really well you'd know____________ // I have known my husband since I was 11. He was my first crush(he hated me).

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Medical Expenses

I don't get it. We bust our ass to get money to survive, yet we are still living very frugal lives. Yet we make $300  a month over what we need to qualify for medical for the girls. Jeff is not eliable for insurance through his company, and private is way too expensive for us. So now here we are, all uninsured. Jeff and I have been with out health and dental insurance since shortly after my post-natal appointment with Olivia. In order for us to qualify for insurance for the girls again, we would have to have $3,000 dollars in debt in medical bills. Makes no sense AT ALL.
I'm all for helping people in need, I am by no means a crazy Republican against the government intervening in peoples lives. I think everyone should have the equal rights to make a life for themselves. Including, health insurance, food, and clean drinking water. Whenever we can I donate money to charities, as well as donating old clothing, toys, etc. Hardworking people should be given more of a break especially if they are "barely" making it. People who abuse the system should have to go through more extensive background checks or something. I don't know what the answer is to it, all I know is middle class American's or the "normal" American's really get the fuzzy end of the lollipop stick.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010


We are moving! We found a larger house that we get the keys to today. SO EXCITED! we have needed this since Olivia started moving around. The current house we live in is about 1,000 sqft for the 4 of us, 5 with Rocket. It wouldn't be so bad if the house was laid out differently, but I often feel like we are in a tuna can.
The house we are moving into is about 1800 sq ft, same amount of bedrooms, but 2 extra bathrooms( we have one, right now) and a dining room, which is what we lack right now.
Pictures to come soon!

Saturday, August 7, 2010

It's a long road

Busy, Busy, Busy as the bee.  Saphire starts 6th grade in a few weeks. I am extremely scared for her. I've never mentioned this before but she have Inattentive ADD and Aspergers syndrome. She is still very immature for her age and I am very afraid for middle school for her. Middle school was a war zone when I was a kid. So I can only imagine what it will be like for her. The last few years have been extremely trying. I only hope that there will be a light at the tunnel.

I carry so much guilt, I feel like this could have been prevented had I been a better mom. Or had I not been a teen mom.
I just want her to have a happy healthy life...