Thursday, August 19, 2010

Cell Phones

Washington recently just passed a law making it illegal to use cell phone while driving. Altthough I think this is for the best since some people are not very good at multitasking. Thankfully, I am not one of those people. I can do loads of shit at one time, sometimes too much. Now my problem with this law is I think it should be illegal to drive with toddlers (yes this is a joke) , but seriously driving with a almost 2 year old is much more distracting than driving with a cell phone ever was. Olivia is going through her "terrible twos" even though she is a few months shy of even being two. The yelling, the I wanna eat, juice, milk, minnie mouse, the outs. It's gonna drive me batcrap! I don't go far with her unless I schedule her nap time during the drive. So until this phase is over, guess Target will be my vacation spot.

P.S. There should be a special place in hell for people who text while driving..

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