In no order of dislike...
1. Natural Disasters- They just plain SUCK.
2. Christians that "ruin" Christianity- such as the funeral protesters and people who wish people dead for dumb reasons like cutting them off in traffic, but then go to say our country needs help and we should pray to GOD. Morons.
3. Socks with Sandals- seriously, just wear tennis shoes.
4. Sandals in freezing ass weather and rain- just looking at your blue toes grosses me out.
5. People who smoke around their children- Destroy your lungs, fine. BUT do NOT subject your innocent child to that crap.
6. Takers- no, not like people who steal stuff (although I hate them too), but people who "use" you for their own personal gain, money, attention, etc... I'm not an inbetween kind of person, I either like you or I dont and generlly if I dont like you I wont pretend like I do. I'm just simply uninterested, therfore I could never use a person for personal gain. I think relationships work two ways.
7. People who complain about their "love life" or being single- If there is something you dont like about it, change it. No relationship is perfect 100% of the time and anyone who thinks theirs is, is seriously smoking the shit and please share. And for the single ladies, a man doesn't "complete" you.
8. Kicking your significant other in the genitals publicly- under NO circumstances should you ever complain about your other half on FB, twitter, etc. I married my husband, not my FB so I'll work it out with him.
9. Daddy touch me voice (too vulgar?)- High pitched women who sound like if they had balls they are being squeezed very tight.
10. The news- the news seriously makes me want to curl in a ball with my children and cry. Or get a row boat and get all Tom Hanks on an island to protect my kids from the creepies. Most of seem to live in Washington.