Sunday, May 30, 2010


Its still up in the air, but I am about 90% sure I will be in California June 11th-21st. SO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

God is calling

Things are changing. Not my life but my love. I need to light the flame and stop letting my love for Jesus just simmer. Ever since I moved to Washington from California I had a hard time with my walk. Not that it diminished, more like I sat on a rock and started to enjoy the view. But the view took an ugly turn. I started disliking many "Christians", especially the ones I worked with at the time. The company I use to work for often used the name of God in his business but was such a crook. He payed his employees horribly, took away their health care and numerous other things, like shady work that was illegal. Ever since I quit my job after Olivia was born, I have felt a burden taken off my shoulder. Emotionally anyways. Sometimes we could use the extra money.
I didn't realize how "dark" my emotions really where until  Postpartum Depression hit me like a ton of bricks. I'm usually very aware of my emotions, but I didn't know what to do with this and had never experienced it with my first pregnancy. One day after driving home from Target, I asked my husband for help, after visioning myself driving through a red light and crashing into a tree. I started taking med's and seeing a therapist, as well as finding outside things to put my energy into, like school and mom's groups(which I have made some really good friends through).
After coming through this fog, I looked through everything with a new light. All the things in my life have been changing. It's like I finally was able to hear Jesus calling my name, and whispering sweet nothings into my ear. I feel more positive that I ever had, which is totally new to me(I am naturally pessimistic). Now here's to me not stumbling.
Through darkness there is light.

PS. I love the Bible for the Android Phone!

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Must sell shoes!

I need these shoes to start selling. Maybe I should have a free giveaway? Any ideas?

Friday, May 14, 2010

Mother's day

 I really need more than 24hours in a day...or it should be optional to require sleep.
This is a few days a little late but better late than never.
I had a wonderful easy going mommies day. Jeff took the kids to the park for I could "veg" out and do some homework and clean up a bit. He brought Olivia's back home nice and tired. From there he BBQ ribs and chicken. He did pretty much everything, except the fruit pie. I had such a great time. It was so nice to just be at home with my family, and the weather was wonderful for Washington in May(it usually rains).
This was my 9th mothers day, and the best yet. I have been blessed by Jesus with 2 wonderful daughters. I could not imagine my life without Saphire and Olivia. Saphire is the sweetest, but sassiest girl I know. I honestly believe she saved my life. God only knows where I would be had she not come to me. I had her at the ripe ol' age of 14 years old and am very proud that I did not become another statistic. I did not end up on welfare and am living a very happy and healthy life. Thank you Saphire for making my life whole!
Olivia added to our already great life. That kid is a character, there is not a day that goes by that I laugh and she makes me smile. She is very advanced for her age (18 months). Saying full sentences, singing songs, and just loving life. Olivia, Thank you for making me your mommy and bring joy to our world!

 Saphire, after being born                                                         10 years later!

Olivia after being born      and 18 months later!                                      

Saturday, May 1, 2010

My fur baby

$400 dollars later a great lesson has been learned. Make Olivia sit in her high chair while eating grapes and raisins. This is also true for garlic and onions. These things are apparently VERY toxic to a dog. Especially a little guy like our Rat Terrier. I think he ate 2 raisins at most before we caught Olivia feeding them to him. About 4 hours later he was lethargic, panting heavily and convulsing. I called the Vet and we rushed him there. He ended up spending the night while they ran a blood test, took x-rays, gave him charcoal and flushed his kidneys with fluid. Lucky for us he seems to be okay and did not go in to full renal failure. We take him back in a week for more blood work and to make sure that no permanent damage has been done. This was a risky lesson learned, but I am glad Rocket is okie-dokie now.
Here is a list of things dogs should never eat:

Items to avoid Reasons to avoid
Alcoholic beverages Can cause intoxication, coma, and death.
Baby food Can contain onion powder, which can be toxic to dogs. (Please see onion below.) Can also result in nutritional deficiencies, if fed in large amounts.
Bones from fish, poultry, or other meat sources Can cause obstruction or laceration of the digestive system.
Cat food Generally too high in protein and fats.
Chocolate, coffee, tea, and other caffeine Contain caffeine, theobromine, or theophylline, which can be toxic and affect the heart and nervous systems.
Citrus oil extracts Can cause vomiting.
Fat trimmings Can cause pancreatitis.
Grapes and raisins Contain an unknown toxin, which can damage the kidneys. There have been no problems associated with grape seed extract.
Hops Unknown compound causes panting, increased heart rate, elevated temperature, seizures, and death.
Human vitamin supplements containing iron Can damage the lining of the digestive system and be toxic to the other organs including the liver and kidneys.
Large amounts of liver Can cause Vitamin A toxicity, which affects muscles and bones.
Macadamia nuts Contain an unknown toxin, which can affect the digestive and nervous systems and muscle.
Marijuana Can depress the nervous system, cause vomiting, and changes in the heart rate.
Milk and other dairy products Some adult dogs and cats do not have sufficient amounts of the enzyme lactase, which breaks down the lactose in milk. This can result in diarrhea. Lactose-free milk products are available for pets.
Moldy or spoiled food, garbage Can contain multiple toxins causing vomiting and diarrhea and can also affect other organs.
Mushrooms Can contain toxins, which may affect multiple systems in the body, cause shock, and result in death.
Onions and garlic (raw, cooked, or powder) Contain sulfoxides and disulfides, which can damage red blood cells and cause anemia. Cats are more susceptible than dogs. Garlic is less toxic than onions.
Persimmons Seeds can cause intestinal obstruction and enteritis.
Pits from peaches and plums Can cause obstruction of the digestive tract.
Potato, rhubarb, and tomato leaves; potato and tomato stems Contain oxalates, which can affect the digestive, nervous, and urinary systems. This is more of a problem in livestock.
Raw eggs Contain an enzyme called avidin, which decreases the absorption of biotin (a B vitamin). This can lead to skin and hair coat problems. Raw eggs may also contain Salmonella.
Raw fish Can result in a thiamine (a B vitamin) deficiency leading to loss of appetite, seizures, and in severe cases, death. More common if raw fish is fed regularly.
Salt If eaten in large quantities it may lead to electrolyte imbalances.
String Can become trapped in the digestive system; called a "string foreign body."
Sugary foods Can lead to obesity, dental problems, and possibly diabetes mellitus.
Table scraps (in large amounts) Table scraps are not nutritionally balanced. They should never be more than 10% of the diet. Fat should be trimmed from meat; bones should not be fed.
Tobacco Contains nicotine, which affects the digestive and nervous systems. Can result in rapid heart beat, collapse, coma, and death.
Yeast dough Can expand and produce gas in the digestive system, causing pain and possible rupture of the stomach or intestines.
Xylitol (artificial sweetener) Can cause liver failure.